Sunday, May 17, 2020

Lack of Free Will - 1074 Words

In Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness one important theme in the novel is predetermined fate. The lack of free will that Marlow exhibits points to a driving sense that he has only one way out of the jungle. Marlows only mission is to find Kurtz. Tunnel vision captures Marlows psyche and his want of destruction is only rivaled by his need to find Kurtz. Heart of Darkness exemplifies the absurdist and existentialist viewpoints that reside in literature written before and after human conflicts. Two other works that support this theme are a poem â€Å"The Old Sexton† and a modern novel, Fight Club. These works share similar motifs such as a nonlinear timeline and an ambiguous, unreliable narrator. An extension of the one way out theme, that all three works share, is the unrelenting hopelessness that dominates the lives of not only the main narrators but also those characters to which they interact with inside the plot of each story. The existentialist question, Why do we struggle? is felt by every central character that exist within each tale. Humanity as a whole asks this question after viewing the horrors of war and disaster; the narrators are mouthpieces of the sectors of the population that beg for answers in a world with no hope or any light. â€Å"The Old Sexton† written by Park Benjamin presents the rumination of a grave digger who is trying to build a glorious, monumental kingdom with the dead that he buries. The poem has a narrator that quite aptly stays undefined. The oldShow MoreRelatedThe Lack of Free Speech in the Military668 Words   |  3 Pagesarmed forces cannot speak freely about government officials, as well as government issues that affect their lives, seems to be controversial because it limits one of the freedoms these sailors and soldiers have vowed to protect. To oppose the right of free speech of any member of the military takes away from the importance of the job they do. 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